Set Your Course For Alderaan/The Ultimate Power In The Universe


[Front Side]: Deploy Death Star and Alderaan systems and Docking Bay 327.
For remainder of game, Revolution is canceled and Commence Primary Ignition may target only Alderaan, Yavin 4, Hoth or a Subjugated Planet.
While this side up, once during each of your deploy phases, may take one card with "Death Star" in title into hand from Reserve Deck; reshuffle. You may not Force drain at Alderaan system. At Death Star sites, your Force drains and battle damage against you are canceled.
Flip this card if Alderaan is "blown away."\
[Back Side]: While this side up, once during each of your deploy phases, may deploy one battleground system from Reserve Deck; reshuffle. Your Star Destroyers deploy -2 (or -1 if Victory class) to Death Star system. Your Force drains at battleground systems where you have a Star Destroyer are each +1 (or +2 if that Star Destroyer is Imperial - or Super -class). If Yavin 4 system is "blown away," adds 3 to Force lost for each opponent's Yavin 4 site. Place out of play if Death Star is "blown away."

Third Anthology, PM

Link: Decklists


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