We'll Handle This/Duel Of The Fates


[Front Side]: Deploy Theed Palace Generator Core, Theed Palace Generator, and Inner Strength.
While this side up, opponent may not Force drain where opponent has a Dark Jedi, and your Force drains at Naboo sites where you have a Jedi may not be canceled. Once during your control phase, may target one opponent's character present with your Jedi at an interior Theed Palace site. Target is lost.
Flip this card if an opponent's Dark Jedi is present at an interior Naboo battleground site.\
[Back Side]: While this side up, you may not Force drain or initiate battle at any location where you have a Jedi. Once during your move phase, your Jedi may initiate lightsaber combat against an opponent's Dark Jedi present: Each player draws 2 destiny. Loser (lowest total) loses 2 Force (cannot be reduced). If difference is 5 or greater, lost Force must come from Reserve Deck, and losing character is lost.
Flip this card and retrieve 1 Force if opponent has no Dark Jedi present at any interior Naboo battleground.

Reflections III, PM

Link: Decklists


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