Card draw simulator |
0% –
0% –
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None. Self-made deck here. |
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Blizzard 6 17
This deck was a lot of fun to make. It's a strategical deck that actually works well enough that it could win a tournament (probably).
With this deck, the idea is to get Dark Deal down as soon as possible, without allowing your opponent to take back any of Bespin: Cloud City. This might sound pretty tricky, especially considering all of the Light Side powerful characters like Luke, Obi-Wan, Han Solo, and Chewbacca. The best way is to play everything out in one turn, because the extra power bonus from Dark Deal makes a big difference. There's a lot of prep work in there to get the right cards and staying alive without playing many characters; mainly drawing and trying to reduce your opponent's force drains.
Opponents' force draining is the thing that is hardest on this deck, which is why tried to reduce the threat. The ideal starting location is Dagobah, which lets you get a lot of force generation without worrying about your opponent force draining . Battle Order makes it harder for them to force drain at their locations, while Projective Telepathy eats away at their Force Pile. I wish I had more of those. :(
The nice thing is, the more they force drain, the more locations your opponent must play with your force icons, which means you can draw faster and bring everything into your hand that much more quickly. If I had the card Strategic Reserves, it would make this a lot better, but for now I make do with some similar cards.
Basically, you just draw the whole time, not playing any locations. Wait until you have at least 9 troopers, 1-2 Trooper Assaults, three Cloud City sites, Abyssin Ornament, Bespin: Cloud City, 3-5 TIEs, some offensive space Interrupts (All Power To Weapons, Tallon Roll...), and of course, Dark Deal. Then the fun begins. Save up enough force over a few turns until you have enough to play all your troopers and TIEs. When you're finally ready, deploy 3 Cloud City sites and Bespin: Cloud City. Then, play all your troopers evenly between sites. Once you deploy the troopers, you can play Abyssin Ornament to retrieve all the force you've lost so far. Finally, get 3-4 TIEs down at Cloud City and play Dark Deal!
Now, the strategy is to keep drawing and cycling through your offensive Interrupts, while force draining the whole time. Generally I force drain around 10 per turn, with more depending on how many sites I control. More sites can be helpful to increase their Life Force losses. Scanning Crew is nice because it helps you see what's coming (do they have a Sense or a What're You Tryin' To Push On Us??). It also can help get rid of their characters by cycling them back into the deck where they probably will unknowingly lose it for force drains. Limited Resources is super good after force draining because when you force drain for 10 every turn, your opponent will have to lose most of their hand cards, which gives you a chance to increase the loss by 4.
It's best just to let your opponent control the whole board without opposition, except for Cloud City (duh). Even a really powerful deck will struggle to take down a site full of troopers when you play a Trooper Assault.
If your opponent has a Cloud City themed deck, it can be hard to get out Dark Deal if you wait until your hand is full, so it's best to take it over as sites are played. Still play Dark Deal when possible, but it's easier to fight your opponent's characters few-by-few rather than all of the characters they've played over the game. In a normal game, you wouldn't have to worry about battling very much until the very end. Make sure to keep control of Cloud City system (it is hard to take back control of with only TIEs).
Several times, I've had Dark Deal cancelled because of someone playing a character at every site, and a starship at Bespin: Cloud City. Then, the deck design makes it easy to attack each of those lone cards with your site full of troopers and your Surprise Assault. Usually the battle damage alone lets you win. Basically, once you get out Dark Deal, you've backed them into a corner that not many decks can fight their way out of. Normally, the element of surprise lets you pull off the win. Watch for where the opponent's best cards are played, and this can give you a clue on the characters they have left in their deck.
This has probably been one of my best decks yet, and I hope I can make another funky deck like this for the Light Side as well. I'm open to comments or suggestions; let me know if you have any ideas.
i like this deck. strategic reserves played as a starting effect would help control early game losses.