Mains and Training (Premiere to Cloud City, modified)

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet.

Leverandon 1

This is a mains and toys Light Side deck built for the new, as of 2024, Premiere to Cloud City (modified) retro format. It went 2-1 in the 2024 SWCCG Online Retro League Event 2 on GEMP and has had very strong results in casual games.

This deck's key strength is that Yoda at Yoda's Hut subtracts 2 from your attrition in a battle once per turn. This makes Obi-Wan, Son of Skywalker, and Han aboard the Millennium Falcon nearly impossible to kill with attrition, provided the opponent is only drawing one battle destiny, which is all that is usually possible in this format. Additionally, Smoke Screen lets you substitute the ability of a character in a battle for your battle destiny, making Obi-Wan have an automatic battle destiny of 6 and Son of Skywalker a 5, which is enough to automatically crack Darth Vader's immunity to attrition.


Your starting location is Dagobah, which will pull a Dagobah site each turn. This will give you a big Force activation boost in the early game. The first site you want to pull is Yoda's Hut.

Draw aggressively to find Yoda, Obi-Wan, and Son of Skywalker. Draw to find your Cloud City sites, which let you drain for two Force at each. Set up Obi-Wan and Luke and start draining, forcing Dark Side to come to you. Ideally, Obi-Wan should be at the Lower Corridor, because you can give him his lightsaber, making him power +2, meaning he will win any duels that the Dark Side starts using The Circle is Now Complete, effectively protecting him from that card.

You are opting not to run Sense in this deck because there aren't many Dark Side interrupts that scare you and there's a lot of Sense/Alter hate in this format. Instead, you are going to stock 4x Control and Do, Or Do Not to combat your opponent's Sense/Alter.

In this format, Dark Side may try to set up on Hoth and use Imperial Decree to turn off your Force Drain bonuses. You can try to Nabrun Leids over and pick off weak characters. You can also train to test 1 with Great Warrior to turn off your opponent's drain bonuses, because they will usually want to try Walker Garrison on Hoth for a huge drain. BoShek and Princess Leia will be your top choices to train, but you can even train Lando to test 1 in a pinch.

Use Grimtaash to keep your opponent at 12 cards or less in hand and feel free to do a Grimtaash lost if you think your opponent might have multiple copies of Control, Walker Garrison, or other key cards in hand.

I found this to be a very fun, very interactive deck. Enjoy!

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